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Dear Dr. Weissman,
I wanted to drop you a quick note to say thank you! You have given me back my husband. Albert has a hearing loss that started many years ago. Recently, it got to the point that I did not want to talk to him anymore, it was too hard. I noticed he started dropping out of our social engagements. We enjoyed the theatre, lectures, and dining with friends. Over the past year or so, Albert stopped wanting to go to these things and at times, he flatly refused to go. As you discovered in our first appointment with you, Albert was not getting too old to enjoy these things, it was simply too difficult for him to hear in these places. We decided to take the plunge and put our trust in your expertise. We ordered a pair of digital hearing aids for Albert. Originally, we were shocked by the price, however, Albert can hear again within one week of getting his new hearing aids. Our social calendar was full. We have been doing things with our family, friends, and especially our grandchildren.
Dr. Weissman, this is something you cannot put a price on. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you and your helpful staff, especially Hugo, for helping us.
P.S. I think the credit card company that does “priceless” ads should consider:
Tickets to the show: $60.00
Dinner for two: $45.00
Coffee and discussion after the show: $7.50
Dr. Weissman,
ou fit me with digital multi channel noise suppression hearing aids one year ago. When you described the technology in the hearing aids, I laughed to myself, these hearing aids have more technology than the first fighter jets I flew. During my evaluation, you explained my hearing loss might be due to noise exposure and baro trauma from frequent depressurizations during missions. I believe your assessment is accurate. No one else ever explained this to me.
I first learned I had a hearing loss 25 years ago. I am a physically fit fighter pilot (translation, macho) and there was no way any one was ever going to get a hearing aid on me. I will never forget the day you said to me, “Colonel, your hearing loss is much more obvious than a hearing aid.” I begrudgingly agreed to try a pair of hearing aids. I regret I did not do this sooner. I cannot believe how much better I hear and understand. To think I waited so long because of vanity is unbelievable to me.
My brother-in-law complains about his big box store hearing aids continually. I cannot relate, my devices have worked exactly as you stated.
In closing, I know your hearing aids are some of the most advanced devices available. However, I believe your knowledge and demeanor is more important than any technology.