Age related hearing loss is the most common cause of hearing impairment affecting 1 in 3 people over the age of 65 and half of …
The Causes of Acquired Hearing Loss
There are many ways that hearing loss can manifest. Any occurrence of hearing loss that occurs after birth is considered acquired hearing loss. The opposite …
Link Between Hearing Loss & Dementia
Dementia refers to a range of medical conditions that are characterized by declining cognitive abilities: memory, thinking, reasoning, decision making etc. The most common type …
Acknowledging the Reality of Hearing Loss
Accepting that you are experiencing changes to your hearing can be difficult. It is often assumed that only older adults are impacted by hearing loss …
Tips for Managing Tinnitus
Tinnitus is the experience of hearing an ongoing buzzing or ringing noise in one or both ears. According to the Hearing Health Foundation, at least …
Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
In the ever-evolving quest to keep our bodies functioning properly as we age, perhaps the main indicator for long-term well-being is diet, with regular exercise …
Communicating with People who Have Hearing Loss
Communication is always a two-way street, and even though a person with hearing loss might use hearing aids and active listening strategies, there are things …
Tips for Communicating with Hearing Loss
Those who acquire their hearing loss at some point after they’ve acquired language will find it necessary to adjust deeply ingrained habits of communication. While …
How Hearing Loss Interferes with Your Relationships
People tend to wait an average of seven years from the time they notice hearing loss to the time they seek treatment for it. They …
Treating Hearing Loss Helps You Stay Socially Connected
In recent years, researchers have started to take a serious look at the long-term effects of loneliness. Humans are social animals, and thousands of years …